Error-proofing and Traceability
A guide to reducing quality escapes, recall costs and production inefficiency via unique part identification.
A guide to reducing quality escapes, recall costs and production inefficiency via unique part identification.
Introduction: Pryor have become a trusted leader in delivering complex and reliable marking systems within the automotive industry. These have ranged from Robotic and Manipulator based VIN Marking Systems for OEMs, to integrated high speed marking systems for the Automotive supply chain. More recently, we have developed and delivered a number... Edward Pryor & Sons Ltd was founded over 170 years ago and, as you would expect, over the years we have seen many changes in the company and our business. The Pryor logo, like any logo, is what distinguishes our brand and makes our company easily recognizable to customers,...
Pryor was recently contacted by a lady called Hazel Hedley, who had inherited her father’s original steel type set and she was anxious to donate it back to Pryor, so it could be appreciated and valued as she believed her father would have wanted. John Crook, known as Jack throughout his...
A lot of the work that we do at Pryor involves supporting large manufacturing companies on their marking and traceability applications. This normally means that we are a few steps back from working with customers who are producing a finished product. So, it is always nice when we do get...