What is the RRES 90003 Specification?
RRES 90003 is a global engineering specification for Identification Marking Methods and Controls.
It is a Rolls-Royce global document that was compiled for new component designs and will be called out in place of the previous system of JES and EDI specifications.
RRES 90003 defines and controls identification marking methods and other requirements for item identification. The specification is not aerospace-specific and is intended to cover other Rolls-Royce sectors.
Scope of Marking Methods for RRES 90003
The marking methods included in the specification cover human-readable and machine-readable marking. There has been an intention to rationalize marking methods used previously and covered in legacy marking specifications. However, marking methods will be added (where required) as the specification and technology develop further.
General Requirements
The component definition will specify the identification markings to be applied to an item.
The component definition will instruct only the marking method(s) that are available to the manufacturer. No other marking methods or marking locations are permitted.
Markings may not be nearer than 0.8mm to a corner, fillet, or edge of a component unless this is specifically permitted through a note in the component definition.
In line with international quality requirements (AS 9132) a Quality Assurance Plan is required to ensure the quality of the Data Matrix marking process. A plan is required to monitor the marking process for declining quality of the application.
Marking equipment shall also be monitored and serviced through a preventative maintenance plan recommended or developed in conjunction with the equipment supplier.
The approach to Data Matrix symbol quality is in accordance with AS9132.
How Do I Use RRES 90003?
In the case of RRES 90003, item identification can initially be broken down into 3 pieces of information for the manufacturer.
- Where do I mark the component?
- What method(s) are permitted for marking the part
- What information do I mark the component?
Marking the Component
Where to mark the component is instructed through the drawing definition. RRES 90003 will specify the area(s) of the component where marking shall be avoided (see general requirements).
Marking Methods
The only marking method(s) permitted are instructed through a note on the drawing definition. It is possible that the drawing note will specify that more than one marking method is acceptable. In this case, the manufacturer has the decision of which marking method to use.
Information to Mark
Anyone who is familiar with JES 131 will mark information on the part in accordance with the JES 131 specification. In the case of RRES 90003 then this aspect is very different. The component definition will always contain a note that states what information is to be marked on the component. Examples of marking notes can be found inside RRES 90003.
Callouts or dash numbers will also instruct what type of marking is required. Always check the table in RRES 90003 for human-readable and or machine-readable requirements.
Unspecified Marks
An unspecified mark is a mark that is not instructed through the drawing or specification. In these cases, it is normally the manufacturer who chooses to add additional marking.
This type of marking may be permitted but only within the terms set out in RRES 90003.
Key Points for RRES 9003
- The component definition instructs the method of marking, the position of marking, and the content of the mark. No other options are permitted without Rolls-Royce Engineering’s approval
- Human readable part marking must be legible without magnification
- Cancellation of a human-readable part mark is by single-line strikeout. Machine-readable identification (2D) has a different technique
- Unspecified marking (marks not instructed by component definition or RRES 90003) are permitted under certain conditions
- Laser marking is subject to additional material process requirements – see RRES 90003
- Part marking of coated parts (normally painted) is instructed through the component definition drawing note but the actual technique is provided in RRES 90003
- Final quality acceptance for part marking shall be met after all manufacturing processes are completed. Where machine-readable marks are applied then these shall be read with a Rolls-Royce-approved reading device.
- The manufacturer shall develop a Quality Assurance Plan to ensure the quality of the Data Matrix marking process.
- The manufacturer shall develop a Preventative Maintenance Plan to ensure sufficient preventative or scheduled maintenance is carried out to avoid marking outside the allowable limits.
Help in Implementing
Pryor engineers have worked closely with RRES 90003 and have extensive knowledge of all aspects of the document. Get in touch for further advice about marking methods or the specifications in general.
Pryor’s Traceability Software has been designed around the standard’s requirements and has simple functions built into it for key areas, such as monitoring the marking process for declining quality.